IO1: Collection of Good Practices
The IO1 Good Practices Database provides relevant information – shared directly by their implementers – on some of the most interesting, creative and innovative applications of digital services for supporting adult users in finding new career opportunities. The practices have been collected at European level.
Check the videos, follow the links and keep in touch with us to receive additional information on the practices and their impact on the involved target groups.
List of collected good practices:

Title of the practice: Pilot Programme Supporting Business Plans of Young Unemployed, aged 18-29, emphasizing on women
Country: Greece
Implementing organization[s]: Manpower Employment Organization (OAED)
Short Description: The participants of this project had the opportunity to receive support to their business plans even from the stage of initial preparation, thanks to a coaches and tutors who followed them in overcoming challenges and difficulties. Τhe beneficiaries, via a number of consultations and coaching regarding entrepreneurship, had the opportunity to exploit his/her business idea using a business model in order for his/her business to be able to create, distribute and capture value. The electronic platform “OAED Business” (Modeling Software platform) was created to train the beneficiary in the framework of the “Business Model Canvas”.
Main Target Group: Young adults (18-29) looking for employment or self-employment
Title of the practice: Interactive Vocational Orientation Counseling Portal for Adolescents
Country: Greece
Implementing organization[s]: National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
Short Description: The practice aims at supporting young adults in attaining greater self-knowledge and strengthening their professional personality, thanks to the support of a digital tool of professional orientation (a Professional Decisions Test, a Professional Interests Test as well as a Professional Values Test).
Main Target Group: Adolescents and young people, seeking to explore their interests and work values according to which they will be led to educational and professional choice/s
Title of the practice: “Portal for Lifelong Adult Career Development” ,On-line Career Counseling Tools.
Country: Greece
Implementing organization[s]: National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP)
Short Description: This practice is based on the application of a guidance tool, which main objective is to explore the individuals’ ability to take the right career choices.
Main Target Group: Unemployed adults seeking for new career opportunities, due to changes in the labor market and the professions in demand from employers. Those people are in need of vocational guidance.
Title of the practice: OAED/ COURSERA PROGRAMME
Country: Greece
Implementing organization[s]: Manpower Employment Organization (OAED)
Short Description: This practice is based on a partnership between OAED and the online learning provider Coursera, aimed at giving 50.000 registered jobseekers a free access to the Coursera online learning platform. Through the OAED/Coursera Programme, jobseekers registered with OAED were provided with free access (until 15 February 2021) to:
- a number of online training courses with videos subtitled in Greek, as well as
- a further number of online courses in English.
Main Target Group: Jobseekers, registered with OAED
Title of the practice: OAED/ GOOGLE HELLAS
Country: Greece
Implementing organization[s]: Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) and Google Greece
Short Description: in March 2020, Google Greece and OAED signed an agreement for the free provision of distance vocational training to 3.000 registered unemployed beneficiaries, ages 18-29, with the primary goal of enhancing their digital skills and more specifically, skills in the field of Digital Marketing principles.
Main Target Group: Jobseekers, registered with OAED
Title of the practice: Socio-occupational insertion program “Work in the Neighbourhoods”
Country: Spain
Implementing organization[s]:
- Public Employment Service
- Barcelona City Council
- Barcelona Activa
Short Description: The “Work in the Neighborhoods” program is focused in the 14 Neighborhoods in Barcelona city/Catalonia/Spain.
The good practice includes 3 main activities:
- The realisation of individual tutored job-inclusion itineraries.
- Training activities
- Job-inclusion support
The program has included the use of digital tools from the time of pandemic. They started to use Whatsapp and Microsoft teams for improving the communication with the users of their services and for doing group trainings as well.
Main Target Group: Individuals who are looking for work or want to improve their current job. It is required they are between 16 and 65 years old and they are registered as job seekers.
Title of the practice: AssessoramentRomi
Country: Spain
Implementing organization[s]: Romani Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen
Short Description: The organization “Drom Kotar Mestipen” is located in the Barcelonian neighborhood Bon Pastor. It works mainly to achieve equal opportunities and results of Roma women and their community from a gender perspective. The organization offers digital literacy sessions, where women acquire skills with ICT’s to improve their occupational situation. Many services and activities are delivered online, since the target group comes from all over Catalonia.
Main Target Group: Grassroot Roma Women without academic qualifications
Title of the practice: MyCompetence
Web Link:
Country: Bulgaria
Implementing organization[s]: Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business
Short Description: MyCompetence, developed by the Bulgarian Industrial Association, is an online platform in the field of human resource management and development, which offers competency profiles, job descriptions, assessment tools, e-learning resources and other specialized services for assessment and development of workforce competencies. MyCompetence gives information to those, who look for jobs, what job market and employers look for. It offers the candidates for a job tools to assess, compare and develop their competences so that they match the requirements for the job position in a definite sector. It also provides employers with instruments for assessing job candidates, company staff as well as with online instruments for development of the workforce.
Main Target Group: unemployed adults; adults looking for new career opportunities; users in disadvantaged areas; companies, labour offices
Title of the practice: ASSO – ISA
Country: Italy
Implementing organization[s]: Municipality of Pordenone – Roma Capitale (since 2019
Short Description: The A.S.S.O. tools – Sustainable Social Activation Employability and ISA – Autonomy Development Indicators, through the use of a web platform, help collaboration in the integrated management of labor and social services through a qualitative profiling process in the area of disadvantage and of frailties.
The tools have been developed by the Municipality of Pordenone, which made it available to other local authorities. Roma Capitale signed the exploitation agreement on 2019 .
Main Target Group: unemployed adults who would like to approach or re-approach the labor market
Video interview
Country: Italy
Implementing organization[s]: Roma Capitale Career Guidance Network
Short Description: ROMA CAPITALE promotes the access to labour market by supporting a better use of digital tools in order to further increase personal autonomy in job search and knowledge of local services and labour market. Among the various activities, we mention: regular online seminars on guidance issues, local services in support of autonomy and employability, in-depth study of emerging professions and approach to the labour market; active and passive job search techniques, also in English language.
Main Target Group: Schooling and Working age citizens; Youth; Adults; Migrants
Video interview
Title of the practice: SORPRENDO
Country: Italy
Implementing organization[s]: Pluriversum
Short Description: the practice is based on an innovative technology platform for career guidance, designed to help people make responsible decisions for their future. By the use of particular tools you can explore your interests, preferences, skills and a data base with detailed tabs on over 450 career paths. The software allows you to identify study and work goals and build action plans to achieve them.
Main Target Group: Schooling and working age citizens, with a focus on Low skilled, first work experience, long-term unemployed adults
Title of the practice: The EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals
Country: Italy
Implementing organization[s]: C.O.L. CAREER GUIDANCE SERVICES; SIPROIMI center
Short Description: A digital tool supports third country nationals through services that assist citizens of non-EU countries can use it in an interview situation to produce a profile of their skills with a view to:
- support further assessment
- form a basis for offering guidance
- identify up-skilling needs
- support job-searching and job-matching
The tool is not intended as a recognition or authentication tool. The tool is available as a web-tool to be used on a voluntary basis and free of charge. Completed profiles are exportable as PDF, Word, Excel or XML files.
Main Target Group: Third Country Nationals
Video interview
Title of the practice: ‘’Passaporte Qualifica’’
Country: Portugal
Implementing organization[s]: ANQEP (National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training)
Short Description: The Qualifica Passport is a technological instrument for recording qualifications and competences acquired or developed throughout the adult’s life and providing guidance for learning paths. Based on learning results already achieved and the skills acquired by the adult, this platform can simulate several possible qualification paths for obtaining new qualifications and/or school and professional progression. With the Qualifica Passport, it’s possible to obtain useful and relevant information to be able to organize the route already taken and, based on this, to identify the options available to achieve the educational and professional progression that the adult wants.
Main Target Group: 18 years old or older who are looking to improve their qualifications, with a view, in particular, to completing secondary education and/or obtaining a professional qualification. It’s also intended for young people (15 to 29 years old) that are at risk of becoming socially excluded (Young NEET).
Title of the practice: Employability Observatory of EPATV
Country: Portugal
Implementing organization[s]: EPATV
Short Description: The Employability Observatory of EPATV aims to ensure the professional insertion of graduated vocacional students and unemployed alumni. Promotes professional guidance and employability through the analysis and dissemination of professional and training offers via facebook, email or phone.
Main Target Group: Final year students looking for their first job and unemployed alumni looking for new opportunities.
Title of the practice: CLDS 4G (Local Social Development Contracts) – Vila Verde
Country: Portugal
Implementing organization[s]: A Casa do Povo de Ribeira do Neiva (CPRN) – Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS)
Short Description: This project intends to assume itself as an instrument to combat social exclusion, based on a proximity intervention carried out through various actions in partnership with local entities, with the aim of increasing employability and professional, social and personal insertion. This project uses social media (Facebook and Instagram) to advertise their services, post job offers and to share good practices on employment/entrepreneurship.
Main Target Group: The unemployed and local employers; Young people in transition to active life or at risk of dropping out of school; Vulnerable families.
Title of the practice: GIP (Professional Insertion Office)
Country: Portugal
Implementing organization[s]: IEFP (Institute of Employment and Vocational Training)
Short Description: The IEFP provides a set of support and incentive measures for employability for the most disadvantaged or most vulnerable: disabled people, migrants, as is the case with the IEC, IEC + measures (employment / insertion measures), return measure, among others. Here, the GIPs play a leading role because they are closer and better know the reality and characteristics of each location. The IEFP also has measures to support territorial professional mobility through the use of the website (iefponline).
Main Target Group: Unemployed youth and adults on their path to insertion or reintegration into the labor market.
Title of the practice: See the jobs!
Web link:
Country: Bulgaria
Implementing organization[s]: Business Foundation for Education – FBO
Short Description: Based on the idea of job shadowing, the platform See the Jobs! allows users to ‘meet’ virtually with representatives of different professions, to look deeply at their jobs and to get acquainted with the characteristics, requirements, skills, abilities and the trends of the jobs. This approach falls into the global trend for online self-guidance through video storytelling and matching. The platform offers an online matching Questionnaire, articles and related videos.
Main Target Group: Graduated from high school young people or people with no professional experience and lack of professional orientation
Title of the practice: DECENT – Digital strategies of Enhancement of the basic skills among adults as a ChancE to fight agaiNst functional illiTeracy
Web link:
Country: Bulgaria
Implementing organization[s]: Znam i moga Ltd. – leading partner of the DECENT Erasmus+ Project Partnership
Short Description: The main goal of the project is to fight against functional illiteracy among low-skilled adults who are at risk of social exclusion. This goal is achieved through the development of 2 online sections – for trainers and for trainees. The six modules course “Decent Life without Illiteracy” and the e-Tool/e-learning platform offer an adapted framework for dialogue and cooperation in the eradication of functional illiteracy with the help of digital instruments, including useful and contemporary content.
Main Target Group: The low-skilled adults who are at risk of social exclusion
Title of the practice: Parent Bank Project
Web link:
Country: Bulgaria
Implementing organization[s]: Znam i moga Ltd.
Short Description:
The ParentBank project aims to contribute to the socio-economic empowerment and inclusion of lowincome & low-qualified single parents, setting the following objectives:
- Support single parents who are low-skilled/qualified, in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences, sense of initiative, entrepreneurial mindset and skills;
- Extend the competences of practitioners who support single parents in the teaching of numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills
- Encourage low-skilled/low-qualified single parents to develop and upgrade their literacy, numeracy, digital, entrepreneurship competences
- Promote access of low-income single parents to childcare and other services that can also facilitate/support their entry into the labour market or further training.
Main Target Group: Single parents
Title of the practice: MYWORK
Web link:
Country: Bulgaria
Implementing organization[s]:
Short Description: project started in 2020, and was publicly released in the beginning of 2021, with the idea of constantly evolving and helping people who work or are looking for new job opportunities, and all kind of labor market legal assistance.
Main Target Group: MW targets all working people, both those who are about to start working, as well as all professionals who apply labor laws.
Title of the practice: ESKILL and DIGITAL LITERACY
Country: Italy
Implementing organization[s]: Fondazione Mondo Digitale – ROMA CAPITALE C.O.L. NETWORK
Short Description: As noted so far, the approach to the use of digital technologies for some citizens could be quite hard. The use of easy-to-access platforms has allowed the participation of more people at different levels. The user is accompanied, step by step, to the acquisition of useful knowledge and skills needed by the digital communication process
Main Target Group: Young people and adults unemployed and / or at risk of social exclusion with little or no ability to use basic digital tools (users identified within the network of Career Guidance Centers)
Video interview
Title of the practice: Remote professional assessment process
Country: Latvia
Implementing organization[s]: The Social Integration State Agency
Short Description: Professional assessment process (up to 10 days) is a service to evaluate each client’s health condition, interests, knowledge, skills, motivation etc. to recommend the most suitable vocational rehabilitation training program so the client can acquire new qualification and successfully join the labour market and be economically and socially active. With the start of the pandemic this service became remote, ensuring all activities, consultations and evaluation as online activities.
Main Target Group: Working aged people (15-64) with disabilities (any kind) or at the risk of getting disability.
Title of the practice: RTU Virtual Career day 2021
Country: Latvia
Implementing organization[s]: Riga Technical University, Career Support and Services Unit, Student Service Department.
Short Description: This year’s virtual event brought together 75 companies and organisations, and around 1 400 attendees. As the event was online it was accessible from anywhere in Latvia and abroad. Each company had their virtual stall with lots of different information about them in text, pictures and video format. Companies’ representatives offered individual video conversations time slots, which needed to be booked in advance. There was also an option to start a chat: for students with all companies, for companies – with all attendees. There were parallel programs with 9 webinars led by supporter companies and guest lecturers. Organisers and companies held different contests in their virtual stalls with option to win prizes for most active participants.
Main Target Group: Youth age 19-23. Students, high school students, other interests.
Title of the practice: E-learning modules: Writing a cover letter and preparing for a job interview and How to develop an effective job search strategy
Country: Latvia
Implementing organization[s]: State Employment Agency, Republic of Latvia
Short Description: E-learning module “Writing a cover letter and preparing for a job interview” contains 2 parts. The 1st part is about the cover letter’s content and technical side, focuses on motivation, how and where it can be found, what is essential in a cover letter, how to foresee expectations of an employer, how to structure and design a cover letter. Self-assessment tools of motivation and examples of cover letters are included. The 2nd part is focused on the job interview: what is essential when preparing for an interview, information about corresponding dress code and appearance is included, how to present yourself and create a positive image, how to overcome psychological barriers and what to do after the interview. Interactive thematic dialogues are incorporated. Self-assessment on these topics is provided.
E-learning module “How to develop an effective job search strategy” helps to develop job search methods, how to structure job search step by step, how to prioritise job search activities and develop a job search plan. The module includes 3 parts: job search, time management, and stress management. The module helps to explore and improve job search skills, to be effective at time management during the job search and to cope with the stress that can occur in an unemployment situation and during a job search. The module contents include theoretical issues, audio and video materials, simulations of dialogues. Self-assessment on these topics is provided.
Main Target Group: Unemployed, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment in the labour market
Title of the practice: online job portal
Country: Latvia
Implementing organization[s]: CV-Online Latvia SIA, private employment support service
Short Description: is an online source where each job seeker is able to create his own CV (together with having advices on how to do that) and update the information in it at any time. All published CVs are available for employers, so, the portal’s search system works both ways – for users to find a suitable job offer and for employers to find the best employee.
Profile settings allows to mark potential employer’s fields of activity the user is most interested in, and get notifications about the vacancies. In that way user can be sure that he/she won’t miss the suitable job offer. Portal offer to use a search system where each job seeker can find job ads by different criteria like location, category (field of activity), minimum salary and languages required. By filling the information properly in the profile and CV itself user can be confident that in the positive case scenario employer might also contact him/her for a job interview.
Main Target Group: Job seekers and employers.
Title of the practice: Online platform – online course about design thinking and digital books for Design and technology
Country: Latvia
Implementing organization[s]: IT Education Foundation
Short Description: is an online platform for everyone who is willing to learn about design thinking. This methodology is very popular and currently used not only in the information technology companies but also in other fields that require development of new products, ideas, and approaches. The platform can also be used by teachers and students and it will be very useful in different subjects (especially in Design and technology) in context of the improved teaching content and approach that is being gradually introduced in all schools of Latvia starting from September 2020.
Main Target Group: Students, teachers and other people who are interested in developing their skills in the field of technology and design.
Title of the practice: The vocational exploration engine: Design the Future
Country: Portugal
Implementing organization[s]: Better Future
Short Description: The Design the Future Platform allows to increase satisfaction and academic results that result from a conscious and correct choice (young people sometimes make poorly informed decisions that don’t correspond to their aptitudes or vocations), contributing to reduce academic dropout rates, which will translate into a higher employability rate.
The biggest goal of this platform is to help young people in the decision-making phase of the area, course or profession, to make a more informed and clear decision about their future. It has online vocational resources that aim to promote self-knowledge and the ability to reflect on the characteristics of personality, values, interests and skills and help to identify professional activities that meet the vocational profile. This platform is free to access, provides 250 videos with interviews with professionals from different areas and guidance for students in the 9th and 12th grade and university students
Main Target Group: For 9th and 12th grade students and university students.
Title of the practice: “Precise Recruitment”
Country: Sweden
Implementing organization[s]: Assessio & Adecco
Short Description: The practice consists of an online screening process of candidates it stipulates developing passing ( MAP & Matrigma) tests based on the personality and work performance abilities of the applicants, no matter their background age or culture are. The tests allow the people to :
- Acknowledge different skills and abilities to develop
- Achieve an understanding between their own abilities and the skills required in the job market
- Better self-understanding
Therefore, based on their abilities and personality the participants will understand more the type of job that might will suit them. They will also have a better visibility on aspects to work on if they already know the job that they want to have.
Main Target Group: unemployed adults
Title of the practice: KOMVUX or Kommunal vuxenutbildning
Country: Sweden
Implementing organization[s]: Boras Kommune (Municipality of Boras)
Short Description: Komvux studies offers a diversity of choices for studies. Individuals meeting the registering requirements can take on or several courses at the time. The purpose is to train the individuals to make them qualified to continue their studies at college or at a vocational school or start working.
The courses and guidance through the learning process is covered by the local commune who selects the courses according to its needs and budget. The students are being graded for every completed course. For students that already have a training or work experience, they can validate their skills and be able to finish their studies and work fast.
Main Target Group: Adults above 20-year-old; local companies searching for specific skills; individuals seeking upskilling, reskilling and skilling opportunities to adapt to job market changes
Title of the practice: Jalla speak Swedish
Country: Sweden
Implementing organization[s]: Lernia AB
Short Description: Jalla Speak Swedish is a TV program where Foreigners get to practice Swedish and simultaneously learn about Swedish job markets from educators and experts. Different paths to dream job program, people get to meet established professionals and learn about how they found their dream job. The programs on Jalla Speak Swedish are informative and inspiring with a focus on jobs and the labour market.
Main Target Group: Young adults or adults who have questions about their future or about the evolution of the labour guide them in their choice of orientation; low skilled adults, minority groups and new-comers.
Title of the practice:
Country: Sweden
Implementing organization[s]: Loop personal development services AB
Short Description: Remove internal barriers and seamlessly connect employees across locations, groups and functions. Offer a P2P platform where users can reach out to their colleagues to get help and share Knowledge. The tools aim to makes reskilling and upskilling engaging, scalable and effective. IT also aims to create learning networks within the businesses, as employees can reach out to peers across organizational and geographical silos to acquire new skills and share the ones they have. Loop contributes to a healthy company culture where employees are connected, share knowledge, and contribute to the organization well-being.
Main Target Group: Companies Worldwide Struggling to develop the skills they need to continuously to remain competitive; individuals seeking upskilling, reskilling and skilling opportunities to adapt to job market changes
Title of the practice: DIAGORIENTE – Designing your future
Country: France
Implementing organization[s]: ID6 – Supported by the Prime Minister services and the High Commission for skills and inclusion through employment – Ministry of Labour.
Short Description: DIAGORIENTE is a pedagogical device based on a digital application to help young people /adults in the construction of their professional orientation. The tool helps young people / adults through video games to adopt a method for analysing their experiences in order to “translate” them into competences
It offers:
-Valuing all skills with a skills map (Rectec map integrated)
– Career paths proposed on the basis of people interests
– Chosen immersions that make sense in the young person’s integration pathway and enrich the construction of their professional orientation
– The possibility of asking for a recommendation to give credit to their experiences
Main Target Group: Young people and young adults; Neets (nor education, training or employment); Secondary school students throughout their schooling; Volunteer in Civic Service or any other form of engagement.
Title of the practice: Emploi Store
Country: France
Implementing organization[s]: The French National Agency for Employment (Pôle Emploi)
Short Description: Emploi Store offers access to more than 300 services and applications. There are free of charge and accessible from the computer, tablet, smartphone…In a few clicks, the jobseekers will find the service best suited to their needs. The idea is to offer a multitude of digital tools to help job seekers in their search. Some solutions have been developed Pôle Emploi ‘s employees under an intrapreneurship model. Others come from different public operators or private companies. Among the digital services related to employment, training, innovative tools are to be found: virtual fairs, various serious games, quizzes, Mooc, E-learning modules, a virtual reality job interview
Main Target Group: Every jobseeker
Video interview
Title of the practice: WILBI – The job discovery application
Country: France
Implementing organization[s]: WILBI
Short Description: A job discovery application to help young adults (who are undecided) in their career orientation, thanks to immersive mini-videos in the daily life of the professions in a realistic way and in story format, just like on social networks. Each profession is represented by a passionate professional who shows and explains his or her daily life in short videos sent to users throughout the day and during the week (missions, environment, tools, employees, etc.). We find the reality of the job, the advantages as well as the disadvantages… in short: real life! Videos, but not only! Job descriptions are also available.
Main Target Group: Young adults or adults who have questions about their future or about the evolution of the labour guide them in their choice of orientation.
Title of the practice: Zoom2Choose
Country: France
Implementing organization[s]: EuroCordiale partnership – Labelled “Success Story” by the European Commission
Short Description: Zoom2Choose is a guidance tool enabling young people to change their representations and make relevant choices. It allows them to explore their interests, develop their perceptions of careers, learn to make choices, discover jobs. The tool consists of 120 photos divided into eight plates depicting professional situations and two plates illustrating de-contextualised activities. On each board, the photos must be classified in order of preference (activity that interests you most, activity that interests you least) Eight plates show professional situations and two decontextualised activities. The aim is to give the opportunity to highlight activities that are of interest to the subjects, even though they might reject professional sectors where the same activities are present.
Main Target Group: -Young people and young adults – in particular aimed at people who have problems with writing and reading.
Title of the practice: Labour Market Internet Guide
Country: Slovakia
Implementing organization[s]: Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Slovakia
Short Description: On the online platform counsellors are supported in the delivery of one-to-one guidance, e.g. by utilising an online self-assessment tool utilised for jointly reflecting with the clients on their personal capabilities and aspirations. Job placement is facilitated as well, e.g. by the interconnection of personal client profiles with a vacancy data base. The platform makes full use of digital technology with various databases featured, having a self-assessment tool, creating an online personal profile, pre-recorded video material on occupations coupled with text items and illustrative pictures. Users also have the possibility to use a career guidance online tool (Job Compass) to help them find the right employment path.
Main Target Group: employed adults looking for a career change; guidance counsellors; School students/parents; unemployed.
Title of the practice: GOAL (Guidance and Orientation for Adult Learners),
Country: EU
Implementing organization[s]: Flemish Government’s Department of Education and Training (Belgium) with partners from Czech Republic, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Slovenia
Short Description GOAL was a guidance pilot targeted at adults without upper secondary education (ISCED level 3). It tested the hypothesis that a guidance service centred on the needs of low-educated adults may help to increase the participation of this cohort in education and training. Each of the six partner countries piloted new guidance models at two or more programme sites to specific target groups within the low-educated adult population.
Main Target Group: Early school leavers (drop-outs), migrants, adults with a criminal record, unemployed job seekers, adults with low basic skills, people aged over 50, vulnerable adults facing multiple barriers to progress in education and employment
Title of the practice: Fit4Internet
Country: Austria
Implementing organization[s]: Fit4Internet
Short Description fit4internet is a platform that aims to raise digital literacy in Austria. The platform contributes to the increase of competences in different ways. The f4i-tools offer the possibility of obtaining an orientation on one’s own level of competence and thus, incentivising users to learn and improve themselves in a targeted way. Resources to increase digital competences are made available in the info modules and focus modules. There is also the possibility to search for specific learning offers aimed at digital competences from different providers in the fit4internet course catalogue. fit4internet acts as a mediation platform, not as a course provider.
Main Target Group: Main target audience is adults over 45 who lack basic digital skills.
Title of the practice: E-Guidance Service
Country: Denmark
Implementing organization[s]: National Agency for IT and Learning in Denmark
Short Description The eGuidance complements and improves the performance of the Danish guidance system by providing reliable, up-to-date information and facilitating the educational and occupational decisions of citizens through a broad array of digital means across the country.
Among the various services, the platform provides information on education and training opportunities across Denmark, as well as guidance on how to select an appropriate educational path; provides information on jobs, careers and available employment opportunities across Denmark; provides guidance on how to apply for jobs; developes the “My Competence Portfolio”, a tool that facilitates users to create a comprehensive overview of what they have learned and the competencies they have acquired through their jobs.
Main Target Group: unemployed adults; adults with low digital skills looking for new career opportunities; youth; teachers.
Title of the practice: Three intertwined digital portals for gaining work competences and searching vacancies
Country: Slovenia
Implementing organization[s]: Public Employment Service Zavod Republike Slovenije za zaposlovanje
Short Description Poišči delo – enables all jobseekers (open to anyone) to receive notifications about free vacancies, presentation of employers and communication with them, design CV, register in the records of the Employment Service, submit an application for financial compensation and order certificates from the records of the ZRSZ.
eSvetovanje – is a tool for effective career planning and job search. It is advisable to register before use to ensure access to all services. As a logged-in user, you can save data in My folder and access the saved results of completed questionnaires. Results are available straight away. The biggest emphasis is on personal interests, personality, competences, an individual can also create an action plan.
Kam in kako – An overview of the list of suitable professions selected by your answers. You can obtain information about the professions you are interested in, their characteristics, what skills you need for them and how you can acquire them. There is a comparison between the proposed professions to help you decide on the right, the possibility of making a career plan and sending questions to the consultant.
Main Target Group: unemployed adults; adults with low digital skills looking for new career opportunities; youth; others
Title of the practice: PES Estonia
Country: Estonia
Implementing organization[s]: The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund
Short Description Estonia has been providing career services on line (via telephone, e-mail and Skype) for several years as an alternative to in-person meetings. It is a way to overcome obstacles that prevent people from reaching PES offices, and to provide guidance to those who wish to remain anonymous. Services are available free of charge to everyone, regardless of age or economic activity. COVID-19 has made face-to-face contacts impossible, but different online tools are being used to continue providing support at a time when it is needed most.
Main Target Group: Everyone, those who lost/are seeking employment
Title of the practice: One step up
Country: Ireland
Implementing organization[s]: AONTAS
Short Description One Step Up signposts thousands of people in Ireland every year towards accessing their education and training options by freely providing information about where to look for courses; funding supports; contact details for various services and much more to support you to find your learning pathway. The service includes: website; freephone helpline; messaging service; information booklet; promotional materials; national campaigns; outreach activities (fairs, exhibitions, events). As part of AONTAS, the learners have access to learners stories; collection of local knowledge about learning, guiding, finances; event calendar; a booklet containing all the information about the project. Also the website is accessible and contains more videos to make it even easier to use.
Main Target Group: unemployed adults; adults with low digital skills looking for new career opportunities; users in disadvantaged areas; learners, who want to get a formal education certificate
Title of the practice: Skills Forward
Country: United Kingdom
Implementing organization[s]: NCFE Group
Short Description They are combined through Skills Builder, Skills Portfolio, Skills Go, Skills Work and Skills Review. Their unique assessments, resources and summative assessments can transform how education providers approach Functional Skills, GCSE and the employability skills development of learners. The Skills Forward eLearning, assessment and skills development platform software is used by colleges, training providers and employers who want accurate visibility of learner progress. The platform enables providers to digitally capture evidence of a learner’s skills, knowledge and occupational competency and supports their further skills development with high-quality resources. They work collaboratively with the sector to ensure the needs of their customers and the learners come first. They are driven by the individual successes of the people who use their learning platform and access their curriculum.
Main Target Group: learners, students, adults, adults with low digital skills looking for new career opportunities
Title of the practice: Jobsplus
Country: Malta
Implementing organization[s]: Public Employment Service of Malta
Short Description In its early years, they focused on the registration of jobseekers, the provision of guidance to them and their referral for employment opportunities. Its training function focused on the provision of training courses and the management of apprenticeship schemes. Having people specialized on the topic of guidance as the help from which the individuals can benefit from is useful. As job offers have decreased during the pandemic, jobseekers were mainly guided to search online courses which could provide better future employability prospects post-Covid-19 restrictions. Jobsplus has adapted its career guidance services to cater for the unprecedented changes forced on it by the Covid-19 pandemic. For instance, all Job search assistance, career guidance and job coaches of various vulnerable groups have been delivered through virtual meetings or on the phone.
Main Target Group: Unemployed people; adults seeking a career change; vulnerable groups
Title of the practice: Leerwinkel
Country: Belgium
Implementing organization[s]: De Stap
Short Description Leerwinkel offers free information and tailor-made coaching about education or training. Due to the good cooperation with the training providers, (welfare) organizations and local authorities, it was possible to get a learning overview and to coordinate things. Together with local authorities and volunteering associations, they organized searches for adapted learning resources. They made agreements with, for example, centre of (basic) adult education to open their learning centres available to our clients/consultants. They have made numerous phone calls, sent emails and also conducted online video calls to keep their clients/consultants on board. These online conversations are an additional new service that has been introduced due to the pandemic, but we will continue to offer in the future.
Main Target Group: unemployed adults; adults with low digital skills looking for new career opportunities; youth; adults with a desire to learn; vulnerable groups
Title of the practice: The Skills Toolkit
Country: United Kingdom
Implementing organization[s]: Dept of Education, UK
Short Description The Skills Toolkit is an online platform made up of free online courses, tools and resources to help learners improve their digital and numeracy skills. The Department for Education has consulted some of the country’s leading educational experts and employers to make up a collection of high quality resources to suit a range of interests and skill levels online. Free courses to help you learn new skills or change jobs. Including general skills that apply to all sectors and more specialised skills.
Learn about:
- practical maths
- computer essentials
- personal growth and wellbeing
- professional development
- business and finance
- digital design and marketing
- computer science
- coding
There is also a skills assessment test to be used.
Main Target Group: UK citizens
Video interview
Title of the practice: AKI
Country: France
Implementing organization[s]: INSUP – coordinator – Erasmus + strategic partnership with The Franco-German offices for Youth, the Franco-Quebecois Youth Office, Brussels International Youth Bureau, International Youth Offices of Quebec, Walloon Union of Companies.
Short Description: The objective of AKI is to help any person to put one’s experience into words, to identify and bring out transversal competences acquired in international mobility projects.
The AKI tools are:
A guidebook describing the 5 AKI transversal competences: Open-mindedness, Adaptation to change, Interpersonal relations, Sense of responsibility, Self-confidence and their importance for integrating the labour market and the society.
Each AKI competence is broken down into three abilities, symbolised by three different cards to make participants remember that they have cards in their hands as good player who knows his or her best cards and can play them when required.
The guide is completed by an assessment kit. It provides tools to help the participant to:
- reflect upon their international mobility experience by filling in a questionnaire
- highlight the acquired competences with a personal competences recap sheet
Guidelines: using AKI to complete the Youthpass and Europass
AKI-App was devised on the initiative of the Franco-German Office for Youth to facilitate access to the assessment kit by the automatic generating of the questionnaire and AKI competences recap sheet.
AKI App allows participants who wish to leave or have experienced a mobility abroad to reflect upon their international mobility experience but can be used in a variety of other contexts such as during a work placement or civic service…). It can also be used at any time for a simple assessment of one’s skills.
Main Target Group:
- Young adults seeking to better understand transversal competences with a view to facilitating their socio-professional integration.
- Professionals, career counsellors to help their public appropriate the competences developed during non-formal education experience (volunteering, citizenship education activities) and in a mobility experience
Video interview
Title of the practice: ESKILL and DIGITAL LITERACY – Webinar on digital tools and skill for job seekers
Country: Italy
Implementing organization[s]: – Fondazione Mondo Digitale – Roma Capitale COL NETWORK
Short Description: a series of online courses addressed to clients to use as a tool for orientation and active job search (use of smartphones and the main tools related to the network for job search as well as other opportunities for active policies and digital access to employment services, ecc.)
Main Target Group: Young people and adults unemployed and / or at risk of social exclusion with little or no ability to use basic digital tools (users identified within the network of Career Guidance Centers)
Video interview
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