July 2021 “MOTIV-ACTION” meeting
Review on 27th July MOTIV-ACTION meeting
During the preliminary meeting on 30th June the concept of a three – steps pathway for finding new career opportunities was set with three subsequent modules: Module 1 (User Skills), Module 2 (Organizer Skills) and Module 3 (Planner Skills). Until 27th July meeting responsibilities for elaborating three course modules had been divided, so IGITEGO, ROMA CAPITALE and OAED will prepare content for Module 1, FBO, INSUP, FACEPA – for Module 2 , but EAEA, LKAAA and EPATV will be authors for Module 3.
On 14th July Planner Skills’ module group organized their online meeting to find common ground for the notion planning one’s future job search independently. All group member’s task is to find, select and insert the relevant lesson materials, links, videos, etc. and later discuss them in next group’s meeting on 26th July. During Planner Skills group’s meeting on 26th July each Module’s 3 partner presented their material collected and discussed the most relevant and suitable content. On 27th July the regular MOTIV-ACTION project meeting took place online via Zoom platform where all the project partners or their representatives took part. The aim for this meeting was to discuss the guidelines for the course structure and content. Each Module’s group presented their vision, plans and work done so far.
The results of the feedback about the course structure and content which earlier was done by all project partners were presented. So following the comments and suggestions gained from project partners, additional recommendations were added to the existing guidelines, such as:
- to bear in mind that material is prepared for low-skilled adults;
- to concentrate on practical materials, tips and advices more than on pedagogical scenarios and exercises;
- to encourage users to open links more than providing too many of them;
- to adapt the information to the needs of each country;
- to keep the MOOC course interactive, using quizzes, videos, animations, gamification,
- to rethink the problems with access to digital tools and digital literacy, especially in remote areas;
- other possible challenges and problems which may arise while preparing and piloting the project.
The blueprint for the course at this moment might consist of introductory part, explaining the impact that digitalization could have on client’s lives and the opportunities that will be opened by such transformation. Then the glossary could follow, after that 3 Modules would come and finally specific scenarios, exercises, which users are able to complete, success stories, etc. would serve as additional or extra material.
During next meetings on September 15th and October 15th are foreseen results on the work on Modules of the MOOC.
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