July 2021 “MOTIV-ACTION” meeting

Review on 27th July MOTIV-ACTION meeting
During the preliminary meeting on 30th June the concept of a three – steps pathway for finding new career opportunities was set with three subsequent modules: Module 1 (User Skills), Module 2 (Organizer Skills) and Module 3 (Planner Skills). Until 27th July meeting responsibilities for elaborating three course modules had been divided, so IGITEGO, ROMA CAPITALE and OAED will prepare content for Module 1, FBO, INSUP, FACEPA – for Module 2 , but EAEA, LKAAA and EPATV will be authors for Module 3.
Job positions based on the competence model

Using digital technologies and technics for career guidance, job search and professional growth is a part of the renewal of employment services and career counselling.

On the 20th and 21st of December 2021, the partners of the European project MOTIV-ACTION met to celebrate the second transnational meeting of the project. The meeting was planned to be held in the city of Barcelona, but finally the consortium decided to hold the meeting online in order to maintain the security of all participants, and to comply with the legal requirements that were in force at that time in Europe, and especially in Barcelona.
European E-Guidance for learning and career (EAEA event)

13th of September, 2022 between 13:30 and 16:00 with a complimentary lunch
Huis van het Nederlands Brussel, Rue Philippe de Champagne 23, 1000 Bruxelles
EPATV Multiplier Event

On the morning of the 28th of November, the Portuguese representatives of the Erasmus Motiv-Action project, MOTIVating low-skilled adults in accessing upskilling paThways to Increase OpportuNities ”, have started the implementation phase of the pilot project.
Third transnational meeting in Bordeaux – France

Insup training organisation welcomed the MotivAction partnership on the 10th and 11th October, 2022 in their head offices in Bordeaux.
Together the partners have reviewed the IO1 developments, completed some activities and set objectives for the coming months especially the output IO2 : The exploitation guidelines for users and the exploitation guidelines for educators.
Portuguese Implementation of the Pilot Project

On the morning of the 28th of November, the Portuguese representatives of the Erasmus Motiv-Action project, MOTIVating low-skilled adults in accessing upskilling paThways to Increase OpportuNities ”, have started the implementation phase of the pilot project.