On the 20th and 21st of December 2021, the partners of the European project MOTIV-ACTION met to celebrate the second transnational meeting of the project. The meeting was planned to be held in the city of Barcelona, but finally the consortium decided to hold the meeting online in order to maintain the security of all participants, and to comply with the legal requirements that were in force at that time in Europe, and especially in Barcelona.
The meeting was attended by representatives from each of the 10 organizations that are part of the MOTIV-ACTION consortium, and during the two-day meeting the partners had the opportunity to work on different aspects of the project in order to move forward. In addition, this working space provided an opportunity for all partners to share their progress on the project, and to set objectives for the coming months.
During the second working day, the partners had the opportunity to attend a workshop organized by FACEPA. This workshop, entitled “Digitalization of Career Guidance in Spain: the situation of the Spanish career guidance system”, aimed to provide interesting information on the current trends of the career guidance system in the context in which FACEPA works.
FACEPA invited two of the most experienced career guidance service providers in Catalonia, Barcelona Activa and the Catalan Employment Service, to participate in the workshop. First of all, Ana Miguel, a technician from the Catalan Employment Service, gave a presentation in which she contextualized the situation of the career guidance system in Barcelona.
This was followed by a presentation by Eva Clotet and Mónica Pecero. Both explained the objectives, methodology and results of the programme “Devices for social and labour insertion” of the project “Work in the Neighbourhoods” carried out by the Barcelona City Council through Barcelona Activa, with co-financing from the SOC (Employment Service of Catalonia). This programme offers a territorialised service of orientation, training and labour intermediation, free and of high quality in the city of Barcelona, to all those people who are looking for job or who wish to improve their employment situation. Finally, a space was opened for all those attending the workshop to share their questions and comments on the contents presented in the workshop, as well as the good practices that are working in the organisation.
The MOTIV-ACTION consortium evaluates these two days of work positively, and hopes to be able to hold the next meeting in person, if the situation allows it, in order to continue working on the project.
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